Ofuro da, Ofuro da!

“Ofuro da, Ofuro da!” (bath, bath!) is a picture book depicting a fun time when a muddy bear takes a bath with his father. With warm illustrations, the book beautifully depicts an important everyday moment that strengthens the bond between parent and child. This is a book recommended for all families that will make you rediscover how to enjoy taking a bath.

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Basic Information

  • Title: Ofuro da, Ofuro da
  • Author: Shigeo Watanabe
  • Illustrator: Yasuo Otomo
  • Year of Publication: 1986
  • Publisher: Fukuinkan Shoten
  • Age range: from 1 year old


This picture book is a story about a bear who takes a bath with his father after playing outside with lots of energy. First, he takes a shower to clean off the dirt, and then he takes a bath to warm himself up. Then he washes himself clean and finally relaxes in the bath again. After getting out of the bath, they enjoy the end of the day with a glass of delicious milk prepared by their mothers.


What is special about this picture book is that through the interaction between Kuma-kun and his father, it shows how enjoyable and important bath time can be. The illustrations are warm and inviting. In addition, the bath process is described in detail so that children can naturally learn the steps of bathing.

Discover and Learn

From this picture book, children will learn how fun and important everyday habits can be. They will also discover the importance of cleanliness in the bath and the importance of parent-child communication. The book also includes many elements that children can learn while playing, such as counting songs and the order in which they wash their bodies.

Recommended Readers

This picture book is especially recommended for children who have difficulty with bath time and for families who want to strengthen the bond between parents and children. It also offers a heartwarming moment for all those who want to cherish the small happinesses of everyday life.


Ofuro da, Ofuro da! is not just a picture book about bathing. It is a story that teaches the importance of the bond between parents and children, the joys of everyday life, and the importance of finding small happiness. The warm illustrations and heartwarming story will make both children and adults happy. After reading this book, you will want to spend a fun bath time with your family. Please pick up a copy.


I am a mother of one child with a love of picture books! The time I spend reading picture books with my child is a treasure for me. In this blog, I introduce picture books that have left a deep impression on me and share the charm of stories that nurture children's imagination and sensitivity, and also inspire us adults to learn and be moved by them. I aim to create a place where readers can connect and empathize with each other through picture books. Thank you!

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